Contact ZOERR

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For any questions about OER, the community, the repository and editorial work contact us, preferably by e-mail.

Any inquiry by e-mail please always address to
@ oer-admin [at] ub [dot] uni-tuebingen [dot] de

We are also available for a personal consultation

For questions about and support with the production of OER
Nadja Schanz
 +49 173 3048238

For the communication of ZOERR with other organisations
Verena Russlies
 +49 173 3048140

For the OER-Community Management and further training offers
Alexander Klein
 +49 173 2765851

For editorial and technical questions and anything else
Michael Menzel
 +49 7071 29-72856

✉ Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Informations-, Kommunikations- und Medienzentrum (IKM)
Wilhelmstraße 32
D-72074 Tübingen
 +49 7071 29-3123